Wallpaper is durable, and can last over 15 years making it very cost effective
Wallpaper adheres easily and smoothly to walls, hiding many surface imperfections. It can add warmth, depth, and style to a room that monotone paint simply cannot achieve. Beautiful designs, intriguing textures, and beautiful prints have an impactful effect on the décor of a room.
Benefits of Wallpaper
- Wallpaper is durable, and can last over 15 years making it very cost effective.
- When wallpaper has been hung properly it can last three times longer than paint.
- If you have imperfect walls, high quality wallpaper can hide surface imperfections.
- Paint comes in a huge range of colours, however there is a limited spectrum of finishes, either matte or gloss. Wallpaper comes in a variety of designs with a large selection of textures and effects. Beads, flock, metallic, emboss and other textures.
- Wallpaper isn’t messy to apply, and there is no risk of splatters to any of your furniture or flooring.
- If you have children or pets most wallpapers are wipe clean or washable, if any marks appear on walls.